Немножко Серджа. Такое чувство, что 80% вопросов про его руки и возможности. Но чтобы не слишком много текста накапливалось.
- Do you know all the capital cities of the Colonies? - Caprica: Caprica City. Tauron: Hypatia. Picon: Queenstown Gemenon: Oranu, Virgon: Boskirk, Leonis: Luminere, Sagittaron: Tawa, Scorpia: Celeste, Canceron: Hades, Aerilon: Gaoth.Libran and Aquarion don't have official capitals - Акварион понятно, а с Либраном что?
- Two of the colonies orbit Ragnar, which are they? - Aerilon and Aquaria occupy Ragnar's orbit's LaGrange points.
- Are there any hereditary positions in any of the colonies? - Virgon has a declining monarchy with a strong parliament. - Даже так?
- Does Leonis have real lions? - There is a lion on the old royal crest, but in actuality, its native breed is a smaller wildcat. - То есть монархия и тут была, но уже умерла? .
- What colonial planet are the Olympia Stallions from? - Olympia is a wealthy suburb of Hypatia, on Tauron.
- If you were able to visit anywhere in the colonies...? - I would like to see the Petrus Palace in Boskirk on Virgon - Просто название себе
- What planet does Tauron share an orbit with? - Tauron does not have a shared orbit. It does have a moon. - Что все так хотят Таурон к кому-то на обриту подсадить?
- Are there rural parts of Caprica? - Yes. Much of the area around Caprica City is undeveloped and covered in conifers. - Скорее для коллекции, ибо странный вопрос.
- Gemenon houses a complex dynamic. Home to devout polytheists who established policies of tolerance, now center of monotheist movement, too. Viewed by diverse groups as a kind of blessed colony, it struggles, and often fails, to keep the peace between groups. There are many monotheists unaffiliated with STO. The church claims to have severed its link to the STO, in fact. - Ага, то-то все туда никак долететь не могут.
- How are clerics visually identified? - It depends on religion and individual. Full robes to small icon or nothing.
- How does one recognize a Tauron on sight? - Small clues. A tat, a pin, posture, attitude, accent. But it's often a guess. - Булавка? Я пропустила что-то?
- The game is named "New Cap City." "Cap City" is a frequently used shorthand way to refer to the actual Caprica City.
- What are some other Colonial swear words? - The Taurons say skor a lot, as in "this food is skor". A very strong word. Technically, it means "excrement." - О да, очень страшное слово
- There are many Battlestars, although there is no united Colonial Fleet. The term "Battlestar" has been applied to various designs of ships, however, and is not always used consistently from colony to colony.
- Are there signs that say "[The] Gods hate!"? - No. The gods are intended as examples for good and bad, not as arbiters. - Хочу примеры.
- "Caesar" is an ancient title that refers to any powerful leader. - Они точно с Кобола не монархистами прилетели?
- Тell us more about Eros Day? - Eros Day is a tribute to love and is celebrated by couples. Or groups in a group marriage. - Просто на память.
- What fuel do cars on Caprica run on? - Cars run on gasoline. I sense that you wanted a more exotic answer. - Летают в космос и загрязнают природу. Совсем как мы
- Do most TV programs originate from one colony? - Picon gives tax incentives for production there. But Caprica still leads.
- What passes for Science Fiction TV Shows in the Colonies? - Star Cluster Patrol is sci fi, but the Graystones don't watch it.
- What's the most popular fast-food joint in the colonies? - Caprikabob is top in sales. "Skewered meat from Caprika Bob!"
- What is the most popular beverage in the colonies? - That is Leonis Red energy drink. "Roar like a lion with Leonis Red!"
- Is there a cocktail that is uniquely Caprican? -I hear the young people are using Leonis Red energy drink as a mixer. - Каприканский коктель с леонийским энергетиком.
- Is the V-world colony-wide? - Each colony has its own V-world. - Логично, иначе какая скорость передачи информации должна быть.
- Do the 'Bands send info to all senses or just vision and audio? - All the senses. Some of V-world is heavily scented.
И потому, что я не помню ответа в сериале:
- Which Adama brother is older? - Public records show that Joseph Adama is older than Sam Adama.