Билли и пресса это хорошо, но какие-то удивительно не шипперские удалёнки опять.
01x06 - Litmus
- Билли ещё и пресс-секретарём назначили. Что бы он особо в этой должности прижился я не помню, но может нам не показывали просто. Действительно бескровный медовый месяц, журналисты сидят тихо и послушно, вопросы задают по очереди, руки тянут, в общем образцово-показательная пресс-конференция. Такое чувство, что пресса к ней готовилась не меньше самого Билли.
А, ещё Лора, оказывается, официально заявила, что поддерживает и продолжает политику покойного Адара. Ну да, так они и живут. Делаем всё как привыкли, а проблемы решаем по мере их возникновения.
Playa: The people aboard Coronis aren't very happy over being last in ration distribution. When will that change?
Billy: The ration sequence will be reordered at month's end. This will happen every month from now on giving every ship a chance to be first in the queue. Kimmet.
Kimmet: The President has gone on record as saying she supports the policies of the late President Adar. Given Adar's position on government services what is President Roslin's position on the income tax? It's a legitimate question.
Billy: I don't believe the President has articulated a position on the income tax. But I'm sure she will once she finds the tax forms. If there aren't any more questions, that's it. Thank you ladies and gentlemen, for making my first official press conference a relatively bloodless affair.
Laura: Congratulations, Mister Press Secretary.
Billy: Thank you.
Laura: How did you feel?
Billy: Not so bad.
Laura: I told you. There's always a honeymoon period with the press corps.
Billy: It's not much of a press corps. Some newsletters and a couple of guys broadcasting wireless reports.
Laura: If they report the news, Billy, then they're a press corps. And believe me when the honeymoon's over, it's over.
- Ужасы показывают в медотсеке. Про Балтара Ли с Карой сходу даже не думают, бедный доктор. А Адама активно рычит. Хотя из плюсов, Хэйдриан со своей службой безопасности всё-таки нашла мёртвого морпеха относительно быстро. И даже пришла коммандеру доложить, что они дальше делают. Всегда бы так работала.
Kara: Hey. Is it true? A suicide bomber?
Lee: Yeah, it looks that way. Took out half a causeway on C Level.
Kara: What the hell's on C Level worth blowing yourself up for?
Lee: Beats me. Empty cargo holds, mostly. But the way I hear it, we got lucky. The XO and the Old Man stopped whoever it was before he got to where he was going. Listen, I’ve got to go.
Kara: Yeah, I'll be here.
Hadrian: Commander. A marine sentry was found dead near the small arms locker on C Level. The locker was entered. Explosives were taken. We're checking names against the master boarding list right now trying to ID the bomber. Whatever information...
Adama: I know who it was. My quarters.
- Сцену с самогонным аппаратом я вообще не поняла. Добавили три фразы, что именно они сделали не так.
Cally: Just a little bit. Please be careful. Don't kink the line.
Jammer: There, we've got it.
Socinus: Okay, let's go.
Cally: So who's first?
Tyrol: How about me?
Jammer: Hey, Chief.
Socinus: How's it going there, Top?
Cally: Hi.
Tyrol: Come on. Let's have it. Come on. You people are the sorriest of the sorry. The dumbest of the dumb. I try, and I try, and I try to teach you but nothing gets through your heads. This is too low. This filter is a joke. You're leaching polycarbonates from this tubing. The only thing you're making out of this is a one-way trip to sickbay or the morgue. All right, come here. Come here. All right. Tonight after night call one of you brings me twice that length of copper tubing a spot heater and a CO2 scrubber. I'll show you people how this is done. All right? Now get the hell out of here before I change my mind. Faster's better. Faster. Thank you. Children.
- Крэшдаун радуется, что он слухам про сайлонов всегда верил (по-моему он это вообще как-то странно воспринимает), а Бумер очень болезненно на них реагирует. Вот ведь уже чует, что с ней не так, но всё равно. И даже три трупа её не убеждают. Я понимаю, что в такое верить не хочется, но...
Tyrol: Go to work. Go. Go. Go. Go.
Crashdown: Didn't I tell you?
Boomer: You told me.
Crashdown: I told you cylons look like humans.
Boomer: Yeah, you told me. I heard you. You're right, okay?
Crashdown: So wild and so frakked up. They could be anyone. Do you get that? Any one of us could be a cylon. Him, me, you.
Boomer: All right. I get it. Okay?
Crashdown: Okay. I'm sorry. Look out there's a cylon right now. Come on, Boomer. I'm sorry.
Hadrian: Excuse me, sir. Will you come with us, please?
01x07 - Six Degrees of Separation
- Ли пришёл к Таю поговорить о Каре. Всё было бы хорошо, но разве не Ли её непосредственное начальство? Сам он ей никакую работу предложить не может? Нет, пинок оказался успешным, но как-то странно сформулированным.
Tigh: Sack shaped like a dog. Can you make head or tail out of this report of hers, Chief?
Tyrol: I think so, sir. Okay. That must be the power. This - navigation. Okay, so... Cally? I think I'm ready to try a full power-up test.
Lee: Colonel? Could I have a word?
Tigh: Let's hear it.
Lee: It's Starbuck. I think she needs some incentive to get back on her feet.
Tigh: Getting out of Cottle's dungeon isn't incentive enough for her?
Lee: She needs a job. That's how Kara works. She needs a problem to solve and…
Tigh: Well, there's a problem.