Серджа маловато, но я нашла про Каприку, и решила, что такими темпами я как раз до 10й серии буду копить. Так что пусть будет, что есть
Про Колонии и репутацию:
- Why does Caprica seem to be the most important colony? - Piconese would disagree that it is most important. But it is strong. - К слову о недавних мыслях. Пайкон проиграл по всем статьям, я бы сказала.
- Picon is said to have the most efficient, cooperative, and responsive democracy in the colonies - Но им это не помогло.
- Is Caprica the most militaristic colony? - It spends most on Colonial defense, but there might be other valid criteria.
Про колониальную фауну:
- Was there an abundance of native life on the colonies before the tribes got there? - Yes, plant and animal life was already here. Human life, no. - В общем логично.
- Are there forms of life unique to Caprica? - There were many, but early Colonists allowed animal transplantation. The indigenous animal life is no longer unique only to one colony
- Were there dinosaurs on the colonies? - Prehistoric animals whose remains formed oil, if that is what you mean
- What colonies are dogs and cats from? - These were among the species brought by mankind from Kobol. Ubiquitous and beloved. - А потом и на Землю завезли. Почти ковчег.
Про Колонии и культуру:
- How old are the twelve colonies? - Surprisingly young. 1,942 years old. It has been 1,942 years since the human exodus from Kobol.- +58=2000. Ничего так юбилей отпраздновали
- How many planets in the system? - Only the twelve colonies are peopled. The star cluster has a few other planets, not many. - К вопросу о родине Шерон и так далее.
- What cities on Canceron are the Pyramid Teams, The Hades Vice and The Mangala Krill from? - Hades and Mangala.
- Why is Hades on Canceron named after the god of the underworld? - Hades is seen as a virtuous warrior, worthy of tribute...Crowded conditions in Hades, Canceron have led wags to joke that the name just means the town has gone to hell - Хоть тут нет голливудской привычки всё на Аида валить.
- I thought Kobol was a myth - Kobol is real, but many myths exist about fictional places such as Hades and Earth. - Меня тут Гадес интересует
- Is there a salary gap between "true" Capricans and people born on other colonies? - Yes. It is often discussed, but not remedied. - Теперь бы ещё узнать, изменилось ли что-то после войны.
- Do all colonies have standardized 8-cornered paper? - Yes. You can buy such printer paper at Emptor Electronics. I know of no aversion to right angles. You see them everywhere. Paper is simply traditionally 8-sided. - И даже легенд в веках не осталось.
- Are there books in Colonial culture that say artificial life will rebel against humanity? - Only SciFi books. Not serious ones. - Но Азимова всё равно не нашлось?
- What is the age of consent in the Colonies? - It varies across Colonies,. Check locally if you are making plans. - Так нечестно. Требую огласить весь список.
- What is "ambrosia" made from? Is it toxic? - Ambrosia is a grain-based liquor. It is no more toxic than any such liquor.