Я обожаю журналистов. Листаю статьи по БСГ. Я понимаю, что кроме БСГ людям тоже есть чем заняться, поэтому на 47 в очереди на президентсво Розлин я сначала посмотрела как на опечатку. Но когда она оказалась 241й... Это вроде как чем больше трупов тем эффектней?

Теперь к чему я полезла в статьи вообще. В принципе после финала 212й серии, то что актёры с режиссёром сами страшные АРовские шипперы это неоспоримая реальность жизни. Какие ужасы Эдди про отношение Билла к Лоре рассказывал после финала первого сезона я буду цитировать, когда до туда с пересмотром доберусь, а пока ужасы после мини в интервью расказанные.

Эдди когда-то совсем шипперством не отличался в интервью:
"The relationship between this Secretary of Education who is made the President of the Colonies is very strained because the decisions aboard the Battlestar are made by the Commander, but all of a sudden, the Commander in Chief of the entire military is on board and it's someone that got the position off a line of succession. So who's running the ship? It's a really interesting dynamic, and it creates a good solid tension.."
"You have two people [Adama and Roslin] in an overwhelming situation. I told the others at the story meeting that while they must unite together in leadership, if that gets physical, I think it must be shown that they can't handle it."
Если он в последнем именно то имел ввиду, что мой шипперский мозг подумал, то облом в итоге оказался большой.

Мэри (не совсем после мини, так как первый сезон уже снимался):
"Well, if the writers have been thinking of doing [romance], it has never been discussed out loud. If it ever goes that way Adama and Laura would be the last two people to understand what's happening. There are moments, given their responsibilites, where they have a great appreciation for each other. But for them to become involved would be too risky. It wouldn't help the situation. It's the last thing they need! And coming back to the cancer, this is a woman who knows she is dying and a man who doesn't know she is dying. Allowing herself to be emotionally involved with anyone would be way to risky for President Roslin, especially with the guy who she has to keep her eye on."
Со вторым предложением она даже угадала. А остальное всё порушилось по ходу жизни

И не шипперское, но к извечному вопросу о том, кто там играет по сценарию. Аарон Дуглас про то как он снимался в минисериях:
"Oh God, read the original sсript. In the original sсript, Tyrol is just this relatively small character. There is not a whole lot going on. There’s not a lot of scenes and there’s not a lot of dialogue. I mean, he was there and he was in place and everybody understood who he was and everything like that, but oh yeah, David Eick was on the set as sort of helping us do the re-write as we go, constant communication was going on and Michael Rymer would just sort of say, “go Aaron, go.” And I am a big improver, if the line doesn’t make sense I’ll change the line, and originally I had nine days in the shooting schedule, and I ended up with 14 because David just kept adding scenes and adding scenes and adding lines, and I would show up and David would just go, “OK, I’m putting you to this scene, I’m not really sure what the dialogue would be but here’s the situation...” And then: Go. And I’d go out and just improv something and he would say “Fabulous! It’s great , do it again!” Or he would say, “Good. I really need this one word hit.” And so, a lot of my stuff is improved and ad-libbed. And they just kept adding me to more and more scenes."