Поднимаю, а то у меня совсем с этим коном много флуда.

Upd: Предлагают скачать интервью Мэри и Эдди испанскому радио. Я скачаю, но буду бояться большого количества испанского, так что на меня не смотреть.

Транскрипт Мэриной панели из Испании. Других пока не видно. Вроде язык не страшный, перевод не нужен?

Часть один
Часть два

*Задумчиво* Вот куда по мнению людей можно запихнуть "Лора и Билл попрощались перед прыжком флота с Новой Каприки". Только если телепатически. Хотя там ещё народ жаловался, что не показали реакцию Лоры на сайлонство Тори. Так что про (не)реакцию на Тори я процитирую, а остальное не про БСГ.

[...]quite often in the arc of that role, what the writers believed, and I do believe that most of the time they were right, part of what did work is that as President, you really don’t get to see a personal life. And part of the message was that you don’t get to have one. She did not have the luxury to have her emotional reactions to things that happened. And there were very little opportunities for her to express it with someone.

Eventually she got to that with Bill. But I think as a dramatic technique, the idea was that this was a person who is part human and part symbol. And you don’t always get to see the symbolic react to the emotional aspects of their lives. So it was actually purposeful. As an actress, it was a little frustrating because you want to be able to act it all out, but as a character it worked for me. It was like ‘Oh great, now you’re a frakking Cylon? Get out of here’. You know what I mean?

That’s about as much as she would be able to risk. Because if she felt all of that, I don’t think she would have made it to the end. And I’m not sure she ever would have seen those animals through her binoculars and had her last flight.