Раз уж с мини пересмотр пока двигаться не собирается, а мне про изначальный сценарий напомнили, решила я его всё-таки прочитать не по диагонали. Понятно, что версия неканонная, там ещё на Коболе живут, но мне интересно стало, что именно поменяли.
Как всегда, мне Билл с Лорой интересны, а остальные слегка фоном. Предупреждать уже должно быть излишне
- Описание "оригинального" начала, когда планировалось показать станцию в течение нескольких лет. Кроме того, мне ещё нравится уточнение про стулья и красный бегающий свет.
A simple, spare room of steel. Two doors on opposite sides. One metal table in the center. A MAN dressed in a Colonial lieutenant's uniform ENTERS from one door, carrying a briefcase. The Lieutenant sits in one of only two chairs in the room - one cushioned, one bare metal. A table sits between them. Sitting on the table is what looks like a gooseneck lamp topped by a single RED LIGHT that oscillates back and forth, passively "watching" everything in the room. He opens his briefcase and takes out a few personal items - a PICTURE FRAME of his WIFE, a book, some official paperwork. Sets them on the table. Looks like he's going to be here a while. The Lieutenant glances up at the door across from him. It remains closed. He picks up the book, sighs and begins to read.
Hours later. The Lieutenant is packing up his briefcase. He leaves through the same door whence he entered, passing by a Colonial FLAG, which is the only decoration in the room.
The same Man ENTERS the same room, but now he's OLDER, wearing the rank of Captain. He opens his briefcase, takes out some personal items including a NEW framed photo of an OLDER wife. Nothing's changed in the room. The gooseneck with the red light still sits there on the table. The Captain sits in the chair, begins to do some paperwork - which includes some diagrams and photos of the original mechanistic Cylons.
The Captain is now a Major. Some grey in his hair. The picture on the table is that of an older wife holding a BABY. Still no one else in the room. The Major is idly waving a finger in front of the oscillating RED LIGHT, following it back and forth, back and forth...
The Major is now a Lt. Colonel. More grey in the hair. The photo now shows his wife and THREE YEAR OLD BOY. The Lt. Colonel is doing some kind of word puzzle, his feet on the table.
The Lt. Colonel is now a full Colonel. The Wife's photo is now in a separate frame, with a black border. The BOY has his own photo and is SIX YEARS OLD. The Colonel is stretching his aching back. The red light is still there.
А потом пришла Шестёрка. Которая изначально была с длинными чёрными волосами. И сначала целовала, потом спрашивала "Ты живой?" и начинала раздевать в качестве доказательства.
- Вот Билла каким описывали, такой и получился. Что логично, ибо тогда уже знали, кого хотят. Правда заметно ниже получился.
ADAMA - a man in his late fifties, with a weathered, lean appearance, iron-grey hair and so tall that he has to continually duck and stoop to avoid the low overhead. He wears a simple day uniform with a minimum of insignia, and his clothes have a well-used, rumpled look. He has a piece of PAPER in his hand and he seems to be rehearsing a speech.
- А объяснение паролю-отзыву тут оказывается давали почти такое же, что и в Лезвии. Мол это из лётной школы принесено.
Adama steps back from the intersection as Kara approaches. She both likes and respects Adama. These morning exchanges are something of a ritual for them and date back to a common experience in flight school.
- Вот Тая там описали коротко, что ему около 40ка лет. Немножко так повзрослел с тех пор. И в этом сценарии он, как и в библии, ещё Paul
- Фотографию Биллу изначально хотели дарить просто его на крыле вайпера. Не знаю, как он должен был на том крыле стоять, да и вообще с детьми символиченей по-моему.
- Учитывая, что Лора тоже сразу под Мэри писалась, внешностью даже не озаботились кроме того, что красивая.
LAURA ROSLIN sits before the desk, patiently waiting. Laura is in her late forties, handsome, confident, with an innate intelligence bordering on the brilliant. But the quality that strikes us most strongly about Laura is that she has class.
- А вот визит к доктору был намного длинней изначально. Лоре лечение предложили, обманув, а она узнав какое сбежала.
Doctor: We've found a lump. Without surgery, it's impossible to know for certain, but I can tell you that statistically, 93% of these types of masses do turn out to be malignant.
Miss Roslin...?
She doesn't answer. Doesn't look at him. Finally...
Laura: Treatment?
Doctor: The conventional approach is intensive radiation therapy, but there are several promising new drug therapies that will soon be approved for human testing, and...
Laura: Excuse me, I have a flight to catch.
She gets up and heads for the door. The Doctor's seen this reaction before - has probably seen every reaction before.
Doctor: I'd like to give you the name of a counselor who specializes in dealing with the emotional fallout from...
But she's out the door. The Doctor lets out a long, tired breath. He writes on her chart. There's a lot of technical language, but the one word that sticks out to us amid the Doctor's scrawl is "terminal."
- Билли тут с Лорой первый раз встречается, как и в удалёнке. И идея о будущем президенстве уже почти звучит.
BILLY is young (19), eager to please, very smart and very polite. He's one of those rare people who's usually smarter than the room, but never lets anyone know it. He'll make a great diplomat someday.
- Описание Шестёрки-Каприки. Никакого убийство ребёнка не было, она просто за интервью Балтара наблюдала. И не была точной копией Шестёрки со станции.
She's in her twenties with short, Carrie Moss Matrix hair, wearing a perfectly tailored business suit. And if we looked really closely, we might see that she looks eerily similar to the same woman who destroyed the Armistice Station.
- Балтару тоже предпочли описать не столько внешность, сколько ощущение.
BALTAR (40s) is a literal genius. Elegantly dressed and aesthetically handsome. He listens to the reporter recite his bio with the affected humility of the truly arrogant.
- Первоначальная реакция на Галактику:
Laura hates it here, tries not to show it. Billy is loving every minute of this - looking around and taking it all in.
- Каюта Адамы. Места и вещей ему в итоге добавли, а вот окном пришлось пожертвовать:
Adama may have the largest stateroom aboard Galactica, and the only one with its own bathroom, but it still feels cramped. A single bed, a desk, a couple of chairs and that's about it. The walls have a minimum of ornamentation, favoring photos of ships and fighters from Adama's years of service. There is a small porthole window.
- Диалог Тая с Адамой я цитировать не буду, но там Тай отказывался сам от обвинений в адрес Кары, просто отняв у неё лётный статус, мол он был пьян, а его жена дейстительно со всеми подряд спит. А ещё он собирался вместе с Биллом на пенсию уйти, хотя по возрасту ещё не положено. В итоге получилось наоборот, не ушёл без Билла, хотя было можно.
- Встечи Билла с Лорой всё равно не показали, но Галактикой последняя явно не прониклась:
Adama, Laura and Doral are walking through the passageways, Laura trying not to trip over hatch coamings or fall down gangways and Doral trying to play peacemaker.
- И после ухода Билла и появления Билли. Какие эмоции...
Adama gives her a curt nod and then disappears up a gangway. She watches him go with astonishment that is slowly turning to embarrassment and anger. Billy and Dualla arrive from an adjacent passageway.
Laura: Where the hell have you been?
Billy: Sorry. I got turned around back...
Laura: Did you hear any of that?
Billy: Uh... no...
Laura: Good.
And just like that, she turns on her heel and heads off. Billy scrambles to catch up. Dualla and Doral trade looks.
Doral: Bureaucrats.
- Диалог Билла с Ли сократили. Тут хоть понятно, что именно Адама для поступления Зака в лётную школу сделал. Но они с Ли определённо на разных языках говорят.
Adama: You could've been anything you wanted to be. I would've been proud...
Lee: "A man isn't a man until he wears the uniform of his colony."
Adama: I was trying to teach you something about duty and...
Lee: Oh, you taught us. You taught us so well we were trying on uniforms before we were out of grade school. Except one of us wasn't cut out to wear the uniform. Wasn't cut out to be a pilot. One of us wouldn't have even gotten into flight school if his father hadn't pulled strings to...
Adama: I didn't pull strings!
Lee: You didn't call your buddy Commander Erdwell on the board?
Adama: That's different...
- Элоша изначально была лет 80ти с пятидесятилетним опытым службы в Кворуме. Прожжёный политик видимо.
- Апплодисментов речи Билла предусмотрено не было. Злые, нечуткие люди. А Кара раз её никто за решётку не посадил должна была со всеми смотреть как вайперы летают.
Applauding along with the rest. Her eyes are a little misty. She wipes them quickly, glances around - no one saw that did they? She keeps applauding with pride.
- Диалог Кары с Биллом про Зака выкинули. Кара завралась бедная, самой тошно. А Билл переживает из-за разговора с Ли.
Adama and Kara, now in regular uniforms, walk down the passageway together. Their relationship is warm, easy - like father and daughter.
Kara: Staff duty? Hell with that, Old Man. I want to keep flying.
Adama: You've done a lot of flying. You need a little staff duty on your resume. Besides...
Adama trails off, something else on his mind. She looks at him curiously.
Adama: Kara... about Zak...? Yes or no - was he cut out to be a pilot or not?
Kara: He was good. Okay? I taught basic flight. And I passed him. So he must've had something on the ball. Otherwise I wouldn't have passed him. Right?
- Вариант Лориной логики. Нам же говорили, что она умная.
Laura: Is he still out there?
Billy and Laura are in their seats. Billy looks out the window. There's a beat before Lee's Viper edges into view, flying alongside the Transport.
Billy: Yeah, he's still there.
Laura: Good. Because if things were really that bad, he wouldn't still be out there, right? He'd be called away, wouldn't he? ... Why am I asking you?
Billy gives her a half-hearted grin. She tries to grin back, takes a deep breath, leans over, tries to see the Viper with her own eyes.
- Цитировать не буду, но есть сцена, когда Балтар собирается с Каприки улетать. Садится на корабль, и тут всё отключается и никуда не летит. И вот тогда он чудесным образом во взрыве и выживает.
- А ещё сайлоны должны были каким-то лучом светить на вайперы и корабли, что бы их отключить. Как хорошо, что этого не сделали!
- Исчезла ещё одна битва с сайлонами после "гибели" Ли и перед прыжком к Рагнару. Подозреваю, что она там была нужна ради вот этого отрывочка:
Adama is still in his chair, hasn't moved or spoken since the moment he believed Lee died. He doesn't raise his voice, doesn't even get out of his chair, and yet he's retaken command of his ship in a crisis. The old lion isn't dead yet.
Там Адама вылил на сайлонов топливо, и таким образом их взорвал, потому что нечего стрелять рям с горючими веществами. Учитывая тилиум, и вообще я верю, что Билл не сгибаем, опять рада, что не сняли. Зато у Адамы забрали стул на котором сидеть можно. Злые, злые.
- Просто так про то, что на Колониях должно творится было в теории, ничего неожиданного. Хотя если у них столица всего семь миллионов, то сто тысяч это приличный город.
Sharon: From what I could see, the Cylons appear to be systematically targeting every population center surface for nuclear attack. I doubt there's a city over a hundred
thousand people left at this point.
Laura: Doctor, am I correct in assuming that an attack of this magnitude will trigger a world-wide nuclear winter?
Baltar: Yes. Fallout clouds are drifting across the major continents and altering weather patterns around the globe even as we speak.
- Потом Лора вывод о "бежать" делает вслух, гораздо раньше, чем в итоге.
Laura: We need to find as many survivors as we can. As many ships as we can. And then we need to go.
Lee: Go where?
Laura: I don't know. Somewhere. A new home. A place to start over. Whatever future the human race has... is not here anymore. It's out there somewhere. And it's up to us find it.
- Хм, Леобен правда на классического героя похож? Или передумали?
The Man - LEOBEN CONOY - is still pointing the gun right at them. He's about six feet tall, ruggedly handsome, early 30's, a classic looking hero if ever there was one,
but at the moment, he doesn't look like he's in the best of shape. His breathing is a little ragged, his eyes red-rimmed and glassy. There's a dangerous, on the verge of hysterial, quality to his voice.
- Кстати на Рагнаре изначально было слегка иначе всё. Там Леобен стащил всё что можно и нельзя в одно место уже, а вместо взрыва подъёмный кран упал на кучу гигантских дрвених компьютеров. Что впрочем не принципиально. Билла с Леобеном всё равно завалило, и всё равно первый на последнего очень быстро начал подозрительно поглядывать.
- Про сайлонов и размножение.А кому ещё один комплекс?
Boxey: Do you have kids?
Sharon: No.
Boxey: Do you want kids?
Sharon: I've thought about it, but... I can't have children.
Boxey: Why not?
Sharon: Honestly? I... don't know, actually. I mean, I've never been told by a doctor or anything, but... somehow I've always just known... in my heart... that I can't have
Boxey: Does that make you sad?
Sharon: Sometimes.
- Ботанический корабль изначально был чем-то вроде "Cloud 9", судя по описанию. Но гораздо интереснее, что там предполагалсь импровизированная одобряющая речь Лоры. У Адамы в итоге получилось лучше.
Laura moves through the crowd, looking at the numbing shock on the faces. Most people are shell-shocked, quiet, families holding each other tightly. The fear in the air is palpable. She addresses the entire group.
Laura: Don't give up hope. We're all going to get through this. But we have to believe in each other and trust in each other. If we do that, everything's going to be all right.
The looks she gets in return are far from reassured. They just stare at her and Laura hears how hollow her words sound. She tries to muster more resolve.
Laura: If you've looked out the dome, you've probably seen the Vipers which have joined us. They'll help protect us against further attack. We're going to survive. We're
going to make it out of this alive. We're not going to give up and we're going to make it.
It doesn't get much more of a reaction, but at least she says it with more conviction and more belief.
- Циферки тут не правильные, но сам факт.
Laura: You know the Education Ministry conducts the census.
Lee: No, I didn't know that.
Laura: 12 billion, 254 million, 197 thousand, 512. At last count.
- О, как-то я раньше пропускала этот кусочек. Вот в таком виде вполне осведомлённость Билли логична. Чем не понравилось? А остальной диалог просто так из любви к.
Laura: I have cancer.
Billy: I know. Earlier, you know when you were in the bathroom... you got a message from a Doctor Westin asking when you wanted to set an appointment. He's one of the leading oncologists in the world. So I figured...
Laura looks at him, her eyes getting red-rimmed from the physical and emotional beating of the last two days.
Laura: It's malignant.
Billy: I'm sorry. Did they tell you...?
Laura: My prognosis was... doubtful.
Billy: I wish there was something I could say...
Laura: Me too. Wish I could say it's the least of my worries right now... or that the magnitude of everything else has pushed it aside, but I can't. The entire world is coming to an end and all I can think about is that I have cancer and now I'm probably going to die. How selfish and pathetic is that?
Billy: I don't think it's selfish. I think it's human.
Laura: It's not exactly what you want your President worried about right now.
She rubs a hand over her features again and Billy struggles to come up with something to say...
Billy: Madame President... you're not alone in...
Laura: No. No. It's okay. I'm not falling apart. Just cracking every once in a while.
Billy: Can I get you anything?
Laura: Coffee. As sweet as you can make it.
Billy heads for the door.
Laura: And Billy? Not a word.
Billy nods and EXITS.
- Я всегда говорила, что Билли люблю, хороший мальчик. Это сразу после предыдущего.
Billy heads down the Passageway. He stops the Transport Pilot.
Billy: Not right now. She's in the middle of something.
Transport Pilot: Okay.
Billy: Oh. And we're going to need a list of the doctors we've rescued so far and their specialties.
Transport Pilot: Sure.
- Жестокие личности. Тут Тирол Таю на Рагнаре должен был сообщить, что во время пожара его почти потушили, поэтому сброс воздуха был зря проведён.
- Адама рассказывает Леобену, что он о сайлонах думает. И ага, сайлонам его лучше бояться.
Adama: [...]God didn't create the Cylons. We did. And I'm pretty sure we didn't include a soul in their programming.
Leoben: But what if they do now? What if they've changed in the last four decades?
Adama:Changed into what?
Leoben: People. What if they've developed a culture, a society, an entire way of life?
Adama: You mean what if they're imitating a culture, a society, a way of life. In the end, they're still just devices. Things. Pieces of technology that've gotten out of control. They're not people.
Leoben: You're not even interested knowing the truth are you?
Adama turns on Leoben, faces him squarely as he lets some of his own deep anger bubble to the surface for the first time.
Adama: Let me tell you something. After today - after using nuclear weapons against defenseless civilians, after murdering people by the millions - I don't give a damn who the Cylons are now or what the "truth" is about their souls. All I know is that they're murderers and killers and they're trying to destroy us.
So today's gonna be the first day of a new war. And this time we're going to finish the job. No armistice, no peace treaty, no mercy. This time we track them down and kill
them. All of them. Until there's not one single Cylon left alive in the universe. And if God has a problem with that, he can sort it out on Judgement Day.
A quiet beat as Leoben slowly nods.
Leoben: And that's why God wants the Cylons to destroy mankind. Because as long as there's a human race, there's going to be a man out there like you. I don't think the Cylons hate you, Adama... I think they fear you...
- Лора с Билли на Рагнаре, перед разговором с Биллом. Билли определённо урезали во всех смыслах. А ещё вот оно, про человека и символ практически прямым текстом, хотя ещё без религиозного подтекста.
Laura has cracked open the hatch from the Wardroom and is eyeing the two armed guards standing in the Passageway outside. She gives them a faux smile then shuts the door.
Laura: Feels like we're under arrest. What the hell's wrong with these people?
Billy: With all due respect... you overplayed your hand, Madame President.
She turns on him in surprise.
Laura: Excuse me?
Billy: When you tried to give Colonel Tigh a direct order. He's just second in command on this ship and suddenly you forced him to make a choice between you and his
commanding officer. No way he's gonna pick you.
Laura just looks at him - he's right.
Laura: So how is it you're that smart and this is the first I'm hearing of it?
Billy looks at her for a moment - then she remembers.
Laura: Wait a minute. You're the...
Billy (greens sheepishly): I thought you read my resume.
Laura: I did, but there was a stack of them and I let Personnel make the selection. So you're the kid who won the Siltzer Prize for a paper on...?
Billy: Diplomacy and public administration.
Laura: And you've kept your mouth shut all this time?
Billy: You haven't asked my opinion, Madame President.
Laura: Well, I'm asking now. What do you think we should do here?
Billy: These are military people. Tradition, duty, honor - they're more than just words to them. They're a way of life. If you want these people to accept your authority as
president, you're going to have to make them see the situation in those terms.
Laura: Wave the flag, sing the national anthem? That kind of thing?
Billy: That's part of it. The protocols and traditions of service mean a lot here. But more importantly, you have to be the President. Every minute. Stand up to them, but don't lose your temper - not really. If you're going to yell, do it for effect, not to vent your own feelings.
And most of all, don't ever let them think they're your equal. Because the minute they think you're not the President... we really are going to be under arrest.
- А вот тут Ли даже в каюту к Биллу не пошёл. Тот его сам отыскал в комнате пилотов. Работа, работа...
- Пойти что ли поцитировать кое-кому. Балтар с Шестёркой относительно того, что Леобен оказался сайлоном.
Siх: I take it you have something in mind.
Baltar: I'm going to do just what they asked me to do - build them a Cylon-detector.
Siх: You know that's impossible, of course.
Baltar: They don't know that.
Siх: One might almost believe you had an angel watching over you, Baltar.
- Ностальгические воспоминания Адамы с Таем.
Adama: Got a message from Getty yesterday.
Tigh: Yeah? Haven't heard from him since he cashed out two years ago. What's he doing?
Adama: Sales. Some kind of ad agency.
Tigh: Figures.
Adama(chuckles): Yeah.
Tigh: Remember Getty and that one-eyed Colonel from Port Taurian?
Adama: How he got out of that, I'll never know.
Tigh: It's a gift. The man knows how to talk. You ever hear from Bushman?
Adama: Not in years. Last I heard, he was fishing up in the Coralines. Can't quite picture it, though. He always seemed to be in motion even when he was standing still.
Tigh: What about the rest of the old squadron? Kicker, Jackman, Billyboy...
Adama: Arnold, Slavy, Redbone... I get a letter now and again, but not much.
Tigh: How many times did we swear we'd stay in touch that night at Morrigan's?
Adama: Twice with each round of drinks as I recall.
A grin before the somber truth descends once again.
Tigh: Probably all dead now.
Adama: Odds are.
Tigh: The food at Morrigan's was really something.
Adama: Worst in the world.
And they lapse back into a silence that speaks volumes.
- В продолжение того вырезанного заявления Тирола, что с пожаром Тай зря так сурово. Кара должна была прийти к Таю сказать, что нечего Тирола слушать, всё он правилно сделал. Интресно, каким образом это мутировало в то, что мы получили, когда Кара Тая обозвала алкоголиком?
- В каноне про Адара ничего нет практически, но тут он не только женат, но ещё с детьми. Это так, неканонному обосную в копилку.
Laura: President Adar and I once talked about the legends about Earth. His kids were learning about them in school and we were discussing the merits of the various texts. Adar was many things, but he wasn't a very good liar. In fact, it was something of a problem in his political career. He didn't know anything about a "secret" location. I know
that. And if the President didn't know, what are the chances that you did?
- Эта формулировка моей шипперкой душе просто ужасно нравится.
Adama: Then I think we have a deal... Madame President.
Тhey shake hands, linking their fates together from this point forward
Раз уж с мини пересмотр пока двигаться не собирается, а мне про изначальный сценарий напомнили, решила я его всё-таки прочитать не по диагонали. Понятно, что версия неканонная, там ещё на Коболе живут, но мне интересно стало, что именно поменяли.
Как всегда, мне Билл с Лорой интересны, а остальные слегка фоном. Предупреждать уже должно быть излишне
Как всегда, мне Билл с Лорой интересны, а остальные слегка фоном. Предупреждать уже должно быть излишне