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Про межколониальную ситуацию:
What is the political relationship between the different colonies? - They are affiliated but have no common government. - Ну да, после войны появится.
There has been talk of unification, but many analysts predict that some event would be required as a catalyst to bring this about. - Я же говорю.
Is there an inter-world governing body of any sort? - There are periodic meetings of Colonial leaders, and courts on Libran. - На Либре живут засчёт взяток или там вместо аборигенов сплошные иностранцы?
Ummm, how about President of the Colonies? - There is no such title. Not currently. - Это понятно, но дабы не забыть подобно спросившему.
Colonies are not at peace, sorry to say. There are always wars and squabbles, both on and between colonies.
Do any of the Colonies have large space fleets? - Yes. The richer colonies have large fleets with many battlestars. - А бедные колонии живы исключительно потому, что их поделить не могут?
... civil war between Taurans and Capricans? - You're thinking of the Tauron uprising, in which the Caprican goverment took sides. - Ну и на какую сторону оно встало? Самое интересное не сказали.
The Tauron uprising was between the "Agrarian" peoples and their own government, which they deemed oppressive. - Видимо мафия примерно из того же источника родом?
Про различные Колонии:
The colonies most centrally located relative to the group: Caprica, Gemenon, Tauron and Picon, were the first to be settled.
I thought that the 12 tribes of Кobol each colonized their own colony? - That is approximately true, but reality is messy. - А расы перемешались ещё раньше на Коболе. Но куда люди без "своих"
How are all colonies able to support human life? -The colonies orbit 4 stars in a star cluster and some are barely inhabited. - Главное сбежать было.
How long is a commercial trip between colonies? - The colonial planets are within a star cluster thus days to weeks. - Это без FTL. Полезное изобретение.
Many colonies have dozens of thriving cities with different climates, traditions and even languages. (Source: Inter-Colonial Tourism Board) - Дюжина это у них много? Что же был за политический климат, что людей несло осваивать другие планеты, а не имеющиеся?
Are the colonies 1 city per planet? - Leonis: Luminaire, Hedon... Scorpia: Celeste, Argentum. Caprica: Caprica-City, Delphi, Marathon...
What's the planet that can be seen in the sky from Tauron City? - There is no city of that name on Tauron. Do you mean Minos? "Tauron City" is how many Capricans refer to Minos. I prefer native names - Теперь я точно знаю какая Колония снимает Каприку. Пропаганда.
Aquaria (also "Aquarion") is almost entirely covered in an icy sea.
Which planet has the best skiing? - Leonis. "...postcard mountains with fabulous skiing" (from Leonan travel guide)
What is Leonis Wine like? - Leonan wine is highly prized. Their vineyards enjoy optimal conditions year after year. - Хорошая планета. И вино и лыжи. Только про неё ничего никогда не слышно почему-то.
Тouristy things to do on Scorpia? - The birds of Scorpia's jungles are the lovliest in the colonies. Try a jungle caravan!
Which colony tends to produce the best athletes? - I'd say Scorpia. It's a hard world. Sports provide an outlet. - Они бегают по джунглям? За птичками и от тигров.
Fortunately, it rarely snows in Caprica City.
What are the people of Canceron like? - Canceron is sadly overcrowded, poor despite the tourist beach resorts you hear of.
What are the people of Sagataron like? - I don't have a problem with Sagittarons. They seem backwards, but that is their way.
What are the people of Picon like? - Daniel always says "How do you get 10,000 Picons to jump off a cliff? Ask nicely."
Why don't Capricans don't like Taurons? - Some Capricans find Taurons rough, dishonest, and dirty. I don't know if it's true
Про языки:
Most colonial languages come from PK (Proto-Kobolese), but are no longer mutually intelligible. Some belong to other language families. - А земные сайлоны с колониальными как-то общий язык нашли. Бинарный?
Is there a common language? - Caprican is used as a common language. Usage, spelling and pronunciation can vary. - Интeресно, за счёт чего Каприка всё-таки в столь явные лидеры выбилась? И ведь давно уже судя по всему.
Planets with sizable land masses are home to multiple languages and dialects. I can detect someone's origin from accent, but few humans can.
What language to Taurons speak? -The main language of Tauron is Tauron. It evolved from Ancient Tauron, from Proto-Kobolese.
Are all Taurons bilingual? - Not at all. Isolated or uneducated people on Tauron may still be monolingual, especially if older. - А почему только тауронцы? У всех такая ситуация должна быть.
Jospeh's Tauran name is Yoseef. And Sam in Tauron is still Sam. - То есть это не сокращение?
Про деньги:
Other colonies have their own currencies, although there is periodic talk of creating a common currency as a precursor to unification. - Кубиты всё-таки исключительно каприканские. Я была в глубоком заблуждении.
How many cubits is a loaf of bread and a pint of milk in Caprica City? - That would cost nearly five cubits
How much would you cost if you were commercially available, Serge? - I'd say about one quarter of a million cubits - Это сколько же хлеба можно купить
How much gold could you buy with 100 cubits? - 0.0879430129 Colonial Ounces - Ой, а это нужно долго в понятный вид переводить, но всё равно какая циферка
Про монотеизм:
Did the monotheism of STO originate on Gemenon? -Yes, although monotheism in various other forms occurs in many places. - Интересно, эти формы совсем разные или всё-таки конклав это всеообщее руководство?
What makes Gemenon so open to monotheism? - Gemenon is primarily home to devout polytheists. Monotheism developed as a reaction to the unbending dominance of the polytheists. - На других планетах гражданские войны устраивают, а тут религию придумали.
Is monotheism illegal? - It is not illegal but its imposition of moral laws on others is considered very alarming. - Кстати да. Политеистические секты как-то уживаются.
The STO leaders are shadowy figures. The religious leader of the monotheists on Gemenon claims that her church has disavowed the STO. - Так утверждает или на самом деле не связаны?
Do any of the twelve colonies have FTL 'jump' technology? - That tech is currently only available for military use. - То есть недавно изобрели совсем.
Do the Graystones have any shows they can't miss? -Pyramid Tonight, Cubits and Pieces. Zoe liked Colonial Days (a nostalgic drama).
Do any colonies oppose same sex relationships? - No. I've never heard "same sex" relationships considered as a category at all. - Они даже не подозревают, как толерантны.
Why don't youth use the holo-visors to go to school? - They are starting to fill that purpose in rural areas - А хорошая идея. Всё лучше New Cap City.
Which company manufacturers the 'digital paper' we see Zoe and her friends using? - That would be Vergis Corp
Tauron food vs Gemenese food. - Tauron food uses many rich organ meats. Gemenese food often employs noodles. But I generalize. - При всех обобщениях, так что там Билл в минисериях ел?
Tauron Cherry Cake doesn't use true cherries, but berries from nonflowering plants. - На Колониях вместо "женской логики" используется "тауронская"?
Solstice is a secular holiday. You start seeing decorations in the stores almost immediately after Equinox! - А ещё у них есть Eros Day
Virtual world is a dangerous place. I have never been there, although technically, I could go. - Туда даже совсем-совсем роботов пускают?
Сould you create an avatar that looks human if you wanted to go to v world? - I suppose I could. It would not occur to me. - А остальные могут не-человеческие аватары создать? У нас бы давно остроухие бегали.
How many professional pyramid teams are there? - Ten years ago the league expanded to 20 teams
Can you tell us some of the pro pyramid teams? - The Gemenon Twins. Leonis Wildcats. Canceron Hydras. Virgon United...